Traces of Other Religious Systems
In Art, Symbolism
Cathedral of Saint Mary, Gdansk, Poland. Black Madonna, Horns of Mithra?
The Black Madonna at the Church of Saint Mary, Gdansk, is haunting because of its ambiguities. There are elements, symbols, of several religious traditions. All of this is not necessarily Christian in the traditional sense. This could be Mary, as in Maria Regina, see monogram-like design at right of the portrait here.  Then there is a six-pointed star, with a crown-outline above? Judaism? Other forms here?

1.  Early Christianity was a blend of multiple ideas, interpretations, and other systems, inlcuding ideas from the gnostics, and even adherents of the Mithraism that Rome fostered. Paul was raised in a town known for Mithraism.  See These links, influences, are not new.  Each school of thought had strong groups of followers, until the Roman Catholic Church took it upon itself to be the Decider, the sole arbiter of correct institutional dogma, and killed, excluded, held Inquisitions, Crusades, etc. against those of differing views.
2.  With that background of cultural exclusionism, ask what is the origin of this particular Black Madonna. 

Is it Sara La Kali?   

There is a tradition in the Gypsy, or Roma, community, for "Sara La Kali" - the handmaid to Mary when Mary landed in southern France.  She became the Roma patron saint.  Look at the symbolism. I explored the issue at this site, see  There is a long tradition of Roma culture in Poland, see report at

Another version of that story provides that Sara, of dark skin, living in a community of Roma metalworkers on the Rhone River, rescues a sinking boat by casting out her cloak, and on the boat are the traditional Three Marys who are all saved thereby.
Some merge Sara's stories with Salome's.

3.  This painting in Gdansk:  There are some reasons to conclude so far that this is not Mary mother of Jesus.
No babe is to be found with the Madonna. The appearance is not like a traditional Madonna, particularly in costume and skin tone.  The horns and other symbolism suggest another identity, as does the skin tone.
3.  Assistance needed:

Can anyone translate the information: Madi Staza Nami at the bottom? Then at the top, Matro Mieusie Ruzia .  - looks like mother Russia? Is the face black, as Sara la Kali's is traditionally represented, or is it silver that has tarnished?
But most places polish the old silver. Why would this blacken?
3.  Is it possibly modern? See the sunburst theme around holy heads.
4.  The arc has long been a symbol of the moon, receptivity, even the Holy Grail, see .
5.  Mithraism:  The bull featured in this pre-Christian religion.  This was the official religion of Rome before becoming Christian in about 300-400 CE.  See the similarities between the two at Mithra and Christianity, at  Symbolisms and life events overlap. See
Meitros is another name for Mithraism, see
St. Mary's is the largest medieval brick church in Europe, 1343.  It was constructed over 150 years. 

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Poland Itinerary
Poland Itinerary
Kudowa Zdroj - Ossuary. Chapel of the Skulls. Plague, 30 Years' War, Death
Swidnica, Silesia, Main square. Poland.
Wroclaw - Square: House of the Seven Electors
Wroclaw - Hussar Armor - The Winged Cavalry
Wroclaw - Facades, towers, gables. History in architecture. Bonhoeffer, Black Madonna.
Wielkopolska area - Countryside windmills, horse breeding
Speed control, Poland. Benign. Roadside advertising.
Gniew. Winged Hussars, Winged Cavalry
Gniew Castle - Teutonic Knights, Hussars, Castle
Gniew. Cavalries: Hussars, Usars, Khazars, Cavalry with Wings.
Sopot - Baltic Sea Resort, and the Amber Trade
Sopot - A Day at the Beach, and the Crazy House
Westerplatte. Malbork. Poland's History. Parallels.
Gdansk - Battle of Westerplatte WWII; German Battleship Schleswig-Holstein
Gdansk - Old town square
Gdansk - Canal, Port. Water views.
Gdansk Church of Saint Mary, The Black Madonna. Or Sara la Kali
Gdansk - Prussian Blue - Church of Saint Mary, interior.
Gdansk. Solidarity. Memorial to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970
Ostroda and the Lake Country
The Onion Dome - Architecture travels. Religious and Secular.
Invasions: Geo-politics and shepherds. The lure of the flatland; defenses down
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Malbork Castle, in ruins 1945: Reconstruction
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Populations in Poland - including Lemks. Epicanthal fold.
Grunwald 1410 - The Battle of Tannenberg 1914. Grunwald. History Repeats. World War I and II
Grunwald - 1410. Polish victory over Teutonic Knights. Grunwald
Warsaw Uprising - Escapes and Deaths; Memorials. The Sewers in WWII
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Michener's Poland. Advance reading
Michener's Poland. Advance reading
Winged Hussar, Wroclaw
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Winged Hussar, Wroclaw
Polish Cavalry
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